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கடலூர் மாவட்ட செய்திகள்

ஞாயிறு, டிசம்பர் 26, 2010

Residents protest NLC action


         People living near Block 21 of the Neyveli township protested the Neyveli Lignite Corporation's move to cut unauthorised power connections in the area on Saturday.

         About 300 residents, including 200 women, gathered around NLC officials and prevented them from disconnecting the unauthorised power connections to households. As the protest intensified, the NLC officials suspended the operation. As many as 3,500 tenements, including huts and brick structures, had come up at the place.

        Residents alleged that though they possessed ration cards and electors' photo identity cards, the NLC management was yet to recognise them as authorised dwellers of the area. NLC sources said that to find a solution to the long-pending issue, the management had made an announcement that the households that pay the prescribed fees within the stipulated period would be given power connections.

          While a section of residents complied with the NLC direction, others did not. This prompted the NLC management to take action against those households tapping power lines, the sources said.

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