Engrossed:Children immersed in painting in the competition conducted by the Manjakuppam branch of Tamil Nadu Brahmin association in Cuddalore on Sunday
The Manjakuppam branch of the Tamil Nadu Brahmins' Association conducted a painting competition as part of the Children's Day celebrations here on Sunday.
The enthusiastic participants—right from lower kindergarten to class X—tried their hand at various topics. Termed as a freewheeling competition, the participants chose their topics for the painting and some of them excelled in their performance.
Nature, preferred topic
Most of the children chose nature as the theme and some of them recapitulated the school atmosphere. Those interested in conservation of ecology focussed on the wild life. Cartoon characters fascinated some of them.
Avenue for creativity
Association president K. Thirumalai said that the painting competition provided an avenue to the children to exhibit their creative ability. More of such competitions would hone their skills and motivate them to participate in bigger competitions. A series of competitions for children would follow soon, he said. All the participants were given certificates and crayons as mementos. The parents who gathered on the occasion said that the competition gave a respite to their wards from the grinding route of school work and also kept them away from television and computers, at least for a couple of hours.
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